Curated Resources for Educators

Thank you to our STLHE community for resource suggestions. This is not an exhaustive list of resources. To add resources or webpages, email . Certaines ressources sont en français.

Highlighted Resources

Open-Source Practical Teaching Handbook and Guidelines with OER documents that can be adapted (teaching online is the first expandable section)

Anti-Racist and Anti-Oppressive Pedagogy resources (second section)

Meta-resource list on anti-racism

  • Resources against racism google doc list created by the ISSOTL Advocacy Group, started by 3MNTF Nicola Simmons and Otherine Neisler

Teaching international students & across time zones (in Equity, Accessibility & Access, the  fifth section)

Designing Online Courses


Practical Teaching Handbook (OER so can be adapted)

Step by Step

Very Basic Intro

Online Course Design for Humans

Master Shells to Manage Online Courses


Anti-Racist and Anti-Oppressive Pedagogy

Anti-racist Resources for Educators

Feminist (addressing prejudice against women including with considerations of racism effects on intersectional identities)

Meta-resource list on anti-racism

  • Resources against racism google doc list created by the ISSOTL Advocacy Group, started by 3MNTF Nicola Simmons and Otherine Neisler
Assessments & Academic Integrity

Assessment Online

Key Resources

Open-Book Exams

  • A Guide for Academics – Open Book Exams, The University of Newcastle Australia (with example question stems)
  • Summary: Several ways to reduce copying/academic dishonesty during an online or open-book exam are:
    • Time restrictions (also raises stress)
    • Randomization of the questions/answers/variables to prevent sharing answers, particularly shifting the values in a question.
    • Raising the level of Bloom’s taxonomy and requiring students to write answers (explain the difference between viruses and bacteria)
    • Changing the represent the information, such as creating a mindmap or verbally describing
    • Making expectations and what is allowed explicit
    • Open-book Exams: Provide the full list of concepts/formulas (so nothing to share) and randomize questions that require application or comparison with a reasonable amount of time. It’s possible to prepare for but requires preparing a very large document.
  • Open-Book Studying Tips for students:
  • Research on Open-book exams:

LMS/Online Exams & Academic Integrity

  • Note: given many students are no longer on campus, stable internet access cannot be assumed as per usual/
  • Best Practices for On-line Academic Integrity, Indiana University of Pennsylvania including
    • Use question sets to randomly generate quizzes or exams for each student. (with a guide for how to in Moodle)
    • Randomize multiple choice quiz or exam answers for each student. (with a guide for how to in Moodle)
    • Limit the duration, the number of attempts, and how the questions are delivered. (with a guide for how to do both in Moodle)
    • Limit the availability period of an exam. (with a guide for how to in Moodle)
    • Wait until the exam availability period ends before providing exam feedback. (with a guide for how to in Moodle)
    • Use “calculated questions” when constructing quizzes or exams that involve mathematical expressions with random values based on user-specified range that are automatically generated for each variable in the question. (with a guide for how to in Moodle)
    • Employ the use of browser “lock-down” software to reduce access to other software applications and data to prevent printing, copying, visiting websites and applications. (with a guide for how to in Moodle) (added note of caution: does not prevent phones or other devices from taking photos)
    • Adjust the weight of exams relative to the overall grade in the course, while increasing the weight of project and assignment activities. (with a guide for how to in Moodle)
    • Increase the number of open-ended or essay-style exam questions. (with a guide for how to in Moodle)
    • Increase the frequency of short notice (pop) quizzes. (with a guide for how to in Moodle) (added note of caution: pop quizzes could add stress and do not allow for scheduling child-care etc.)
    • Make students aware of Moodle’s tracking and logging abilities. (with a guide for how to access reports in Moodle)

Samples Statements

  • (provided by an EDC community member) Foster appropriate student behaviour by discussing academic integrity with your class and:
    • 1. Putting McGill’s academic integrity statement on assignment and exam cover pages: “McGill University values academic integrity. Therefore, all students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures” (see for more information). (Approved by Senate on 29 January 2003)
    • 2. Asking students to agree in writing to an honour code is a recommended practice. Statements at the beginning of exams and assignments such as “I will be fair and honest in my coursework. I will neither give nor receive unauthorized aid on any assignments, quizzes, or exams” (Konheim-Kalkstein, Stellmack, & Shilkey, 2008, p. 3) have been shown to reduce the incidence of cheating. When students submit their work, you can ask them to sign a pledge, such as “I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this quiz/exam” (p. 3). 
    • Read more

Comprehensive Assessment Design Toolkit

  • Assessment Toolkit, Centre for Distanced Education, University of London
  • Exam & alternatives to exams (assessment toolkit, Part II), Centre for Distanced Education, University of London – includes assessment design that minimizes opportunities for academic misconduct.
Experiential Learning (including labs, internships)

*April 29th* Let’s talk about Virtual Internship Town Hall, BC Campus

Starting place/Sample Institutional:

EL resources

Practicums, internships, Co-op, Work-integrated learning

Labs & Simulations

Equity, Accessibility & Access (including teaching with limited internet access)

Accessibility in e-Learning

Limited internet

Teaching international students & across time zones

Open Resources & Open Textbooks

Accessibility, Diversity, Inclusive Teaching


  • Supporting Preferred names and pronouns, John Hopkins University
  • Recognize with COVID-19, some students may need to change back their names. Zoom settings include an option to allow attendees to rename themselves.
Regulated Professions & COVID

CNAR Coping with Covid

  • Regulatory Examinations (Video Recording), Canadian Network of Agencies for Regulation
  • Virtual Proctoring (Video Recording), Canadian Network of Agencies for Regulation
Changing to Assess Remotely Rapidly

For changing assessments:

Making Decisions about Assessment Alternatives


Takehome exams

Remote proctoring

Assessment Resources/ tools being used (March 17th webinar)

  • Respondus Exam Builder, Lockdown Browser and Monitor
  • alternate modes of assessment / UDL
  • 24-hour take-home tests; take-home exams — need resources for students as well since this format may not be familiar to them; d2L limited time exams, with randomization and Faculty available on Zoom for any inquiries about the test.
  • Oral Exams using Zoom (small courses)
  • Listen to students
  •  tools created by Cogneeto (peerScholar and mTuner) are available at no cost during this crisis
  • Portfolios
  • Peer Assessment (6 is the number for reliability…)
  • For seminars/group projects the students will be asked to submit 3-min voice-over PowerPoint presentations, with a graded discussion board associated with it for peer feedback.
Rapidly Moving to Online/Remote

Moving online rapidly involves considering the aims (learning outcomes), available access, ways to communicate, ways to share materials, and ways to assess online or remotely.

Key Resources for moving online:

Comprehensive & Free Step-by-Step

Key Resources for Interacting with students online

Ressources (en français)

Remote vs. Online

Fast-track development with OER or existing resources

Additional Educator Advice

Tech Advice

Institutional-Created Guides for Teaching Continuity
Discipline-specific Teaching Approaches
Remote teaching: a guide for teaching assistants
(en Français)  and (in English), eCampusOntario OER so available to share and adapt.


Sample information posted regarding GA/TA

COVID-19 Free Access
Teaching and Learning Community Discussions
Asynchronous Classes

What is Asynchronous Course experience?

Tools for Asynchronous Learning

When students are in person AND Remote

Hyflex courses (remote synchronous, remote asynchronous and in person)


This website will be constantly evolving as we add resources. To add resources or webpages, or to suggest an additional sub-page, email: or use the contact form.